The following Job posting terms are the rules governing the creation and publication of job listings on Crazywhiz website. They cover content, privacy, and ad duration, ensuring job postings are accurate and lawful. Users are encouraged to report violations and adhere to moderation decisions for a trustworthy job posting environment. Compliance with these terms is essential for maintaining a reputable job posting community.

  1. Advertiser Responsibility:
    • Advertisers are solely responsible for the content, accuracy, and legality of their ads.
    • Ads must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Prohibited Content:
    • Ads must not contain content that is deceptive, fraudulent, or misleading.
    • Ads must not promote or contain illegal or restricted items or services.
    • Content that is offensive, discriminatory, or infringing on intellectual property rights is not allowed.
  3. Age Restriction:
    • Users must be of a legal age to post ads on the website, as per local laws.
  4. Multiple Listings:
    • Users are generally allowed to post multiple ads, but excessive or duplicate listings may be removed automatically.
  5. Privacy:
    • Advertisers should respect user privacy and not disclose personal information in ads.
  6. Accurate Information:
    • Ads should provide accurate and truthful information about the item or service being offered.
  7. Image and Media Use:
    • Use of images and media in ads must be relevant to the listing and owned by the advertiser or used with permission.
  8. Ad Duration:
    • Ads may have a specified duration, and it is the advertiser’s responsibility to renew or remove ads when they expire or are no longer valid.
  9. Communication and Transactions:
    • Users are encouraged to communicate through the website’s messaging system.
    • The website is not responsible for any transactions or agreements between users.
  10. Reporting Violations:
    • Users are encouraged to report any ads that violate the terms or guidelines of the website.
  11. Moderator Discretion:
    • The website reserves the right to remove or modify ads that violate the terms or community guidelines, at its discretion.
  12. Third-Party Services:
    • Ads promoting third-party services may be subject to additional terms and conditions.
  13. Changes to Terms:
    • The website may update or modify these terms at its discretion, and users are responsible for staying informed about any changes.
  14. Account Suspension:
    • Violations of these terms may result in the suspension or removal of the user’s account or ads.
  15. Dispute Resolution:
    • Users are encouraged to resolve disputes directly with other users, and the website may offer dispute resolution options.
  16. Feedback and Reviews:
    • Users may be able to leave feedback or reviews about their experiences with advertisers. These should be honest and respectful.

Please note that these terms very general guidelines, and specific terms (Terms of Use) are given in detail for better understanding. Users are advised to review the specific terms and guidelines of our website before posting ads on Crazywhiz to ensure compliance.